In 1996 CSV with assistance from UNICEF established a sanitation park to enable first time users to have a better understanding of the choices, maintenance requirement and costs involved. The park has been replicated in other states through government funds In Maharashtra, Himachal. Currently CSV is the Key resource agency for training on water and sanitation. We have experience not only in construction of various types of individual toilets but have used our technical expertise in community toilets for generating bio gas and electricity as per requirement. These units have been provided at following locations
- Our campus at Kumarappapuram;
- Ecotech Village, Boldawadi, District Hingoli, Maharashtra;
- Antarbharati Ashram, Dabha, Nagpur, Maharashtra;
- National Institute of Rural Development, (NIRD), Hyderabad;
- Andhra Pradesh Academy of Rural Development (APARD), Hyderabad.
CSV has carried out R & D for recycling spill water (Near Hand Pump and wells); Handling and treating Grey water at its source (Soak Pit); Using Animal waste (Dung and Urine) in scientific way (Bio gas and Composting); Managing Agro waste (Composting and Bio Residue Stove for generating heat energy) etc.
We have also assisted in creating a clean environment by using market waste for generation of energy. CSV has been involved in providing technical guidance to districts and the village which have won the first prize for the “SANT GADGE BABA GRAM SWACCHATA PURASKAR”, instituted by Maharashtra Government (Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation).
Women's empowerment has been our priority and we not only have provided technical expertise for construction but also trained women and men for construction activities (through Mason Training), so that these structures can be replicated at the local level.
CSV in collaboration with TATA has developed and popularized "Arogya Water Filter", which are very efficient and can be fabricated at village level using local resources like Ash of Rice husk, Sand, Pebble, nominal amount of Cement. These filters can be fabricated by trained members of SHGs.
CSV is a technology generating and technology transferring institute. In the field of total sanitation CSV has done extensive work. It includes generation of technology and methodology. CSV has developed a series of technologies in the field of solid and liquid waste management in the rural, peri-urban and urban areas. These interventions are enlisted below