Production Unit


For promoting rural enterprises, CSV has evolved and optimized a number of technologies for rural industrialization. CSV gives training to establish small scale enterprises which make use of local resources. Some of them are listed below.

Production Sector:


Production of Composting

Production of Herbal Pest Repellant

Food Processing

Processing of medicinal Herbs

Processing of NTFP



Medicinal Herb

Natural Fibers etc.

Methods of Natural Dying

Making of Pottery wares

Production of Cosmetics and Toiletries

Production of Handmade Paper and Board

Conversion of Paper and Board in to Value added Products

Text Box: Photographs: Compost Pit; Food Products and Honey Harvesting Fabrication of Agriculture Tools, Bullock Cart, Agro Waste Stove etc.

Fabrication of Water Filters


Gum Extraction and Processing


There are various tree species which yields gum. However the traditional system of tapping it is unscientific, hazardous to plant and less hygienic. To obtain more yield of gum, large and extensive injuries are inflicted on the tree bole or even smaller branches. Because of this practice almost all gum yielding trees in the forest are in very bad shape and their life span has decreased dramatically.


To overcome this problem Ecological Science and Technology Division of Centre of Science for Villages has evolved a simple, scientific, eco-friendly, less labor intensive and economically viable method of tapping gum yielding trees and processing it for preservation, product diversification and value addition at village level. The technology involves making small incision in the bole of the tree with the help of chisel & hammer and administration of small quantity of ethephone in the tree trunk.



Ethephone is a chemical having an active ingredient namely 2-chloroethyle phosphonic acid. Ethephone releases a plant hormone called ethylene when its pH becomes slightly basic in the tissue of the plant. When ethylene is released in the living tissue of the tree bole, it generates a cascade of activities wherein all the plant organelles in the cells of the treated area are de-compartmentalized leading to the degeneration of cells and tissues. This process is termed as gummosis & it produces three to six times more gum exudation than control.


Processing is a series of activities, carried out sequentially to derive usable commodity after harvest of the raw gum from the forests or plantations. The final products are durable, applicable for diverse uses and have higher value.


(Financial assistance for this work was given to CSV by SSD, Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology Government of India)


Services Sector


Organic Farming

Generation and Distribution of Decentralized Electricity


Black smithy


Bamboo Craft



Harvesting Honey

Honey and wax is major non timber forest product of India. Amongst the four bee species (Apis dorsata, Apis florae, Apis idica and Apis serena indica) found in India, Rock Bee– Apis dorsata and Apis florea contributes 80% of annual honey production in India. Honey from Rock Bee is collected from the forest villages across the country and sold to the trader at different locations. But unfortunately this honey is collected by traditional method which is very crude and destructive, causing


Loss to Bee population;

Hampers the cross pollination service rendered by honey bees to our agricultural crops and forest vegetation, which ultimately results into ecological imbalance.

The use of fire in this traditional method is also responsible for burning the standing forest wealth.

The honey collected by this method is also not of a good quality as due to squeezing of the comb part of the brood comb, pollen also get mixed up with honey and it adversely affects the quality and shelf life of honey.

The price for such honey is also very less.

To make honey collection technique non violent and eco friendly “Centre of Science for Villages”, Dattapur, Wardha has evolved a set of appropriate and simple technologies which are non destructive and non violent. Technologies evolved and optimized by CSV are elaborated bellow.


Details of Technologies for collecting Honey From Rock Bee


To solve technological limitations of traditional methods, CSV evolved a range of technologies which are elaborated below

Sting Proof Dress:

Rock bees are ferocious in nature and they attack in swarm if they feel that their colony is likely to be attacked by an intruder. This natural instinct of rock bees has contributed a great deal in protecting this species from the aggressive nature of man and animal alike.



To get protection from these ferocious bees while handling their comb it is essential to protect a honey hunter. To achieve this task a sting proof dress is designed which provides full protection to the honey hunters and his helpers. The sting proof dress is made up of double layered thick cloth having a number of air passages. The dress consists of 5 items

A mask having a plastic wire gauge on front side to protect the face of a honey hunter,

The mask is attached to the jerkin which protects the body of the hunter,

A pair of hand gloves to protect palm of a person,

A pant to protect body parts below the waist,

Foot gloves to protect feet. The dress is edged with Velcro linings instead of button strips to make it easier to put on and off.

Water Spray:


Stinging behavior of rock bee is initiated by temperature factor prevailing in the bee colony and it results in to their collective attack on the victim. To overcome this problem, plain water is spryed over the rock bee colony which mollifies the bees and restricts their free movement as their wings get wet and colony temperature comes down. A simple handy water spray is required to spray the bee colony at their nesting spot.


Portable Rope Ladder:

Rock bees are accustomed to have their abodes at the inaccessible high spots and hence it becomes difficult reaching and handling them at such spots. To overcome this difficulty a light and portable rope ladder has been designed and made by using nylon or cane rope. Nylon or cane rope is thrusted with a steel wire in it to increase its strength. Both the rope pieces are twisted having parallel knots to each other to support the solid bamboo pieces as steps of the ladder.


 There are about 90 such steps in a ladder and its length is 90 feet and weight is about 16 Kg only. The breadth of the step is about 1 foot only.

For fixation of the ladder to the rock bee spot a small egg shaped lead ball is prepared having a thin hole through its length. The weight of lead ball comes to 200 to 250 grams only. While fixing the ladder the lead ball is to be thrown to the rock bee spot with a thin nylon string poured in the hole of the lead ball. This nylon rope is attached to the rope ladder. Once the lead ball reaches at ground level from the tree branch it is pulled and along with this rope ladder also goes up and by using this ladder a honey hunter can reach close to the bee hive quite comfortably.


Eco-Pressure Technique: This technique of making a slit in the midrib area of the honey storing portion of the comb is used for draining out honey from rock bee honey chamber. It allows honey gatherer to extract honey repeatedly from the same comb without adverse effect.

Spirulina Production


1. Introduction

Centre of Science for Villages is a premier technology generating and technology transferring institute working in various field including biotechnology. Since last 30 years CSV is involved in popularizing use of Spirulina amongst people of Vidarbha as well as other parts of India.


CSV has evolved and optimized technologies which are essential for production of Spirulina. It includes production of Spirulina for house hold purpose, Production on small scale and production on large scale. We have derived methods to process Spirulina for preservation, product diversification and value addition. In addition to it CSV has evolved a package of practices so that production of Spirulina is possible in which the input cost is minimized and the output is quite substantial as compared to the other methods.


About Spirulina:

Spirulina a blue green alga or a single cell protein is considered as natures Super Food. It has remarkable nutritional power. Spirulina is often called nature’s perfect food because of its abundant nutritional profile. Spirulina tablet or powder contains following items.


Spirulina The Wonder Food:


Spirulina has highest quality protein available.. It is higher in protein value than beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, soybean, rice, tofu or wheat.

It has about 69% protein of which 95% is digestible compared to 20% from meat protein.

Contains all the amino acids that the body cannot produce.

Contains no fats or starches.

Grown in the controlled environment, it is free from pollutants and toxins. A vitamin and Mineral Gold-Mine:

25 times higher in beta-carotene than carrots.

28 times higher in iron than beef liver, and 56 times higher than spinach or steak.

The highest whole food source of B-12, which is important for vegetarians

Rich in Glycogen which is rarely found in plants. Glycogen is stored in the liver for quick energy

Richer in chlorophyll than alfalfa and wheat grass Good for Environment:

Produced through ecologically sound aqua culture.

100% natural and non toxic

Creates clean air as it grows by removing carbon dioxide and replenishing oxygen to the atmosphere

Spirulina has protein, amino acids, beta-carotene, chlorophyll, B vitamins, calcium, iron, and GLA etc. In fact Spirulina is such a well rounded natural whole food that NASA has chosen it as a primary food for space travel. And the United Nations has concluded that Spirulina could be the solution to global protein shortage. Spirulina, a microscopic blue green algae, has capacity to produces 10 times more protein per acre than that of Soya bean and 200 times more than that of beef. It is the best natural source of protein anywhere.


Spirulina has all nine of the essential amino acids as well as nine more nonessential ones. One tablespoon (about 2 grams) of Spirulina powder provides US RDA of vitamin B12… 50 % of vitamin B2… and 2300% of vitamin A, in the safe form of beta carotene, an essential antioxidant that helps protect the body’s healthy cells.


Objectives of CSV in this respect


The objective of CSV is to provide the training to rural entrepreneurs.

Introduce basic concept of growing Spirulina

Provide details of admissible and non admissible inputs in Spirulina Production.

Production and quality control of Spirulina.

Providing standard methodology.